Power Animal’s made famous by the movie Fight Club (I think Ed Norton’s power animal was a penguin…I think the Meerkat could take a penguin any day), seems to me to be an example of New Age psychology gone awry.

However, unlike its name, visualization is a lot more than just imagining yourself running a PR. Instead, visualization is better described as “mental practice” as it calls upon all of your senses (vision, smell, sound, touch, and taste) to simulate the experience of running.
That means in your minds idea painting a picture that recreates not only what you see along the course and the runners around you, but also the sounds of your foot steps, how your dryfit shirt feels against your chest, the mixing of smells such as Bodyglide, deodorant, and Bengay, the taste of Gatorade in your mouth and most importantly the feeling of your body in motion as you swing your arms and turn over your feet.
The more vivid your images the better,as far your brain is concerned because it begins to blur the line between what is real and what is in your head. In fact, research has shown that when you are mentally practicing an action you activate the same muscles fibers and brain regions that you would be using if you were actually performing the action your were imagining
When using mental practice pretend that your are a movie director and you are filming yourself run. However, unlike typical filmaking you are filming it through your own eyes from what we call an internal perspective. Like any good director you are in control so only create the experiences and images of what you want to occur. Remember is you are unable to mentally see and feel yourself running a 8:15 mile feeling strong and pain free you will not be able to do it in real life.
Mental practice is a very powerful mental skill that when used correctly can produce substantial results for you. Just like learning how to swing your arms, mental practice is a skill. The more your practice this skill the better you will become at using mental practice and the greater the impact on your performance. To help create vivid and controllable images I record myself as I talk myself through a run making sure I include details that will tap into all my senses.
Also, when I run I have several images that I use to improve my running form and efficiency. For example, by imagining there is a pole sticking out of the inside of my ankle and with each step I need to lift up my opposite foot to make sure I don’t trip on the pole. Or if possible before a race I walk, run, or take a cab ride through the last quarter of the course so that I am more familiar with the course , taking note of the details along the course such as landmarks, trees, buildings, etc. The idea is that the more familiar I am with the roads and trails I will be traveling, the more comfortable I will be through the race thus running faster and stronger.
Next time I go out for I run maybe, I should visualize myself as Meerkat scurrying across the Kalahari with the sun fuelling my every step. Maybe there is something to this power animal thing!
What images do you find help you with your running?